One Words Denoting Groups A-G

Concept Explanation

One Words Denoting Groups A-G

One Word Substitution : - One Word Substitutions means that a single word can be used in place of a group of words to denote a person, an object, a place, a state of mind a profession etc. In common parlance they are termed as single words used to make an expression brief and pertinent. As such the use of one word substitutions tend to obviate the repetition of unnecessary words avoiding verbosity and ambiguity. Rambling style speaks of a rambling state of mind whereas brevity conveys telling effect.

Moreover, one word substitutions are indispensable while writing a precis of a given passage. A student is required not to exceed the limit of words. They come in handy in such situations. Hence their significance cannot be gainsaid and students are advised to learn them very seriously.A few of one word substitutes are given below for the benefit of the students.

One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things) Beginning With A:

  • Agenda : - a list of business matters at a meeting
  • Alliance : - a state of relationship formed between states, powers etc
  • Anthology : - a collection of poems
  • Attendance/ : - a number of servants, persons present with a person in Retinue : - authority
  • Audience : - a number of people gathered to listen

    One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things) Beginning With B:

  • Band : - a group of musicians, followers
  • Batch : - a group of pupils
  • Battery : - a group of heavy guns
  • Bale : - a large quantity of cotton tied in a bundle
  • Bench : - the office of judges or magistrates
  • Bevy : - a large group of girls/ladies
  • Block : - a group of houses or buildings bounded by four sides
  • Bouquet : - a bunch of flowers
  • Brood : - a family of young ones
  • Brace : - a pair of pigeons
  • Board : - decision-making body of directors

    One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things) Beginning With C:

  • Cache : - of arms, store house for hiding
  • Caravan : - a group of people traveling with their vehicles or animals
  • Catalogue : - a list of books
  • Caucus : - of inner circle of members of government
  • Clique : - a small group of persons belonging to a body
  • Circle : - a group of friends
  • Claque : - a group of applauders i.e, paid to clap
  • Cloud : - of locusts
  • Cluster : - A group of islands
  • Code : - a systematic collection of laws
  • Colony/column : - a group of people of one race moving in the same direction
  • Constellation : - a series of stars
  • Chest : - of drawers
  • Congress : - a meeting of delegates
  • Convoy : - a group of trucks/lorries traveling together under protection
  • Cortege : - a funeral procession
  • Course : - a series of lectures or lessons
  • Conference : - a meeting of preachers, delegates
  • Congregation : - a group of worshipers
  • Crew : - of sailors manning ships

    One Words Denoting Groups (People, Animals, Birds and Things) Beginning With D, F and G:

  • Drove : - a flock of cattle (being driven)
  • Flight : - the action of flying of birds
  • (a) Flotilla : - a small fleet of boats         (b) Fleet : - of ships
  • Galaxy : - a system of millions of stars, beauties
  • Gallery : - a room that contains pictures and statues displayed for sale
  • Grove : - a small orchard of trees
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence :

    A group of musicians, followers

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence .  : 

    A bunch of flowers

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Out of the four alternatives , choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence : 

    Decision-making body of directors

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation

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